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Red Nose Night's big draw(er)s

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Registered charity number 326568


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Ali G meets the Beckhams and asks about family life ("Does Brooklyn listen to your music or is he getting a bit old now?") and love: "How many Spice Girls turned you down before you asked Victoria?"

Anne Robinson, still fuming from her EastEnders Comic Relief special, leads a second celebrity Weakest Link. Bravely stepping up are newscaster George Alagiah, Les Dennis, Bob Geldof, Loyd Grossman, Emma Freud, Dermot Murnaghan, Kirsty Wark and Michael Winner.

Proving you can't keep a good moan down, Victor Meldrew makes an appearance, looking remarkably well considering he died four months ago. Richard Wilson and screen wife Annette Crosbie are joined by Eric Sykes as a bed-bound uncle.

Tamzin Outhwaite, EastEnders' Melanie Healy, does the double for Comic Relief. First she goes undercover with her East End cohorts to seek out Phil Mitchell's would-be assassin, then joins Caroline Quentin, Chris Langham and Des Lynam (back at the BBC for one night) in Kiss Me Kate.


• Donations go sky high
• French & Saunders drop in
• Victor/Victoria

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